Well not that I wanted a turn at being laid up but I got it just the same. On Wed. I sort of missed a step, I guess I must have hit the edge if it & ended up on the floor. My middle finger on my left hand hurt right away but soon the whole hand hurt. I spent a rough night. In the morning Ed decided I needed to see the doctor. The doctor figured I had some thing broken so ordered 3 xrays. The xrays showed the bone in the hand that goes up to the ring finger was broken. He put me in a cast that is only on the bottom of my arm then wrapped with a ace bandage. I can take it off to shower but can't use the hand for any thing. It is very hard to do things with just one hand. I am glad I am right handed. The hand & fingers are very swollen & bruised. I have to wear this cast for four weeks. We are wondering how it will go next week when Ed has his next knee joint replacement surgery. We will trust God to see us through this too.