Sixteen years ago I made a baby quilt for our first grand baby. Well I have continued making them. These are pictures of number 17. The first ones were total secrets, well the momma to be knew I was making it but not what it was going to be. Now I have a hard time keeping secrets & have already given this one to momma to be for Peter when he arrives late June.
This is number 18 just finished last night. It is for Andrew, due mid August. It has been fun doing these quilts. Little did I know when I started 16 years ago that there would be this many of them to do, but I am glad to do them.
My folks had their 65th anniversary yesterday, May 8th. We four daughters had an open house for them today. We had large turn out. My older sister got balloons for each member of the family that are a result of my folks being married. There are 4 daughters, 4 son-in laws, 11 grand kids, 9 grand kids in-laws, & 21 great grand kids with three more due this summer. The family is growing & growing. Amazing what two in love cause. :)
We are a Christain couple, married more than 43 years. We have 4 lovely children & 20 grandchildren. I have been a stay at home mom, since having our first baby. I was working as an LPN when we met. He was asked to retire in Dec of 2001, after 25 years there he worked as a CADD designer of seating layouts. We have found that since retirement we have been busier & have a lot of different adventures than before. We are loving the adventure.