It has been a long time since I added anything & have a lot to "tell" too. First off here is the logo for our new church. Then some GREAT news on the new church is that our Pastor has been looking for possible location for a building site. Sort of dreaming as we can't afford to buy land now. But he found a piece on the corner of M57/14 Mile Rd & Shout. He called on it just to find out more info. The guy wanted to meet with Pastor so he did. Long story short the guy ended up giving our 3 acres for free. Isn't that a wonderful act of God? Mr Brill (from H2Oasis) had bought this land awhile back with hope that a church would be buildt there. He offered it to his precent church they didn't want to build there. :) That too was God's doing so now many years later we could get it for our church. We do need to find a different place to meet until we can build as our township says we can't legally meet where we are now. But they aren't saying we have to get out right now. So we are praying & asking God to lead us to a place to meet or some how be able to build sooner than we think we can, but with God all things are possible, so maybe we can just build & move in to our own building.
Hi Mom & Dad,
Oh, I like the new logo! Did Dad have anything to do with creating it? I like how the line stretches out from the G to make a cross. :)
I'm looking forward to the other things you are going to share on your blog. :)
I love you!
Amy :)
Yes Dad did design it & every body was ok with it so that is our logo. Some had been looking at logos that cost $125 & we figured we didn't need to spend money if Dad could do one. Mom
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